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PREMIERY 01.2025

1||ALA|MEDA||Spectra – SelectionBrutality Gardenarch LP
1Dean BluntLucreWorld Music
1DJ Rashad6613 EPPartisanreed
1Duwap KaineNobody Is Coming to Save YouTAP
1Loraine JamesNew Year’s Substitution 3EP
1Matthew TavaresI Once Prayed For This Life
1Matthewdavid100% ZithertronicsLeaving
1Zach PhillipsTrue MusicLa Loi
1ŽenySmrtí vynech​á​nPoli5arch
2Blanck MassThe Rig: Season 2 (Prime Video Original Series Soundtrack)Invada
2Lloyd MillerJazz at the University of UtahNow-Again
2Lloyd MillerOriental JazzNow-Again
3Ayumi Ishito Featuring Kevin Shea and George DragunsRoboquarians vol. 2577 Records
3Boldy James & RichGainsMurder During Drug Traffic
3Champa B & Tim ReaperPandemoniumFuture Retro LondonEP
3Deepstaria EnigmaticaThe Eternal Now Is the Heart of a New TomorrowESP-Disk’
3Dope On PlasticLife EnergyFuture Retro LondonEP
3EkotonikaLive at Kolonia ArtystówAntenna Non Grata
3Ian WellmanCan You Hear The Street Lights GlowRoom40
3Kevin DrummNeither Here Nor ThereVaagner
4Paweł Szamburski, AuksoDługo, długo nic, a potem wszystko
5Bad BunnyDebí Tirar Más FotosRimas
5Ethel CainPervertsDaughters of Cain
5WileyBoom Bap Vol. 1 EP
7Rats On RaftsDeep BelowFire
8Laurence PikeThe Undreamt​-​of Centre (Live At Phoenix Central Park)The Leaf Label
8Mark William LewisSparkles 22​-​24
8Soft MachineDrop (remastered)MoonJunearch
9Explosions In The SkyAmerican Primeval OSTNetflix
9Jeff Arnal / Dietrich EichmannTides of Unrest / Berlin 2023No Business
9Robert TurmanA Day in the LifeHanson
9Twoosty MayonezNiezłe bagnoU Jazz Me
10Blue SandsFor YouZennez
10Bridget Hayden and The ApparitionsCold Blows the RainBasin Rock
10Clément VercellettoL’EngouleventUnjenesaisquoi
10doseone & Steel Tipped DoveAll Portrait, No ChorusBackwoodz Studios
10Franz FerdinandThe Human FearDomino
10Lambrini GirlsWho Let the Dogs OutCity Slang
10Nate WooleyHenry HouseIdeologic Organ
10Ringo StarrLook UpLost Highway
10SkinnerNew Wave Vaudeville
10Stick To Your GunsKeep Planting FlowersSharpTone
10The Halo EffectMarch Of The UnheardNuclear Blast
10zzzaharaSpiral Your Way OutLex
12Tartine de clousCompter les dentsOkraina
13Ewa SadLolopiankoBFF Music
13Ken Vandermark & Terrie ExThis Is Not a Holiday!Catalytic Sound
14Voice Actor, SquuLust (1)Stroom.tv
16RAUTIIISyf Records
16Tiago SousaOrganic Music Tapes, vol. 4Discrepant
17Aleksandra SłyżTonarium LiveSuperpang
17Billy Nomates / TorMary and the Hyenas OSTInvada
17Blacksea Não MayaDespertarPrincipe
17Blue LakeWeftTonal Union
17DeliveryForce MajeureHeavenly
17Edition ReduxBroadcast TransformerCatalytic Sound
17Ela MinusDiaDomino
17Hasco EnjoymentsWow!Rope Worm
17Heavy CruiserLucky DogGuerssenreed
17jasmine.4.tYou Are The MorningSaddest Factory
17Konrad SprengerSetBlack Truffle
17Kris & JerryA Sunny DayFrederiksberg
17Legendary Pink DotsSo Lonely In HeavenMetropolis
17Les Rallizes DénudésMars Studio – The First SessionTemporal Drift
17Mac MillerBalloonerismWarner
17Parchman Prison PrayerAnother Mississippi Sunday MorningGlitterbeat
17Robert FarrugiaNatura Maltija OSTPhantom Limb
17Saba AlizadehTemple of Hope30M
17Songhoy BluesHeritageTransgressive
17Sophie JamiesonI Still Want to ShareBella Union
17STEMESEDER LILLINGER + Craig TabornUmbra IIIIntakt
17Television PersonalitiesTune In, Turn On, Drop Out – Radio Sessions 1980-1993Firearch
17The Weather StationHumanhoodFat Possum
17VASpiritual Jazz 17: SABA / MPSJazzman
17VACome Around to the Backdoor : Blues, Country, Jazz & Gospel from 1924Tompkins Square
17Victoria CanalSlowly, It DawnsParlophone
17YolaMy WayS-curveEP
19BiskMoonstruck ParadeSub Rosa
20Cinamen EnsembleAlphabets
20Daniel BachmanWhere The Tide Ebbs And Flows
20Khadija Al Hanafi!OK!Fada
21Graham Reynolds MusicMountain
22Makiko HirabayashiGiftsEnja & Yellowbirds
23Enrique Ramírez & Matthias PuechFrom the Other Side of a Landscape
23No TurnsOne WayNo Turns
24400 Lonely ThingsChildren of EidolonRoom40
24Ale Hop & Titi BakortaMapambazukoNyege Nyege Tapes
24Alexandra Grimal & Giovanni Di DomenicoShakkei
24Anna B SavageYou & I Are EarthCity Slang
24ArmiaWojna i pokójStage Diving Club
24Benjamin BookerLowerFire Next Time
24Black TaffyOut MoonLeaving
24BoilermakerNot Enough Time To Get Anything Halfway DoneNumero Group
24Brueder Selke & Midori HiranoSplit ScaleThrill Jockey
24C DuncanIt’s Only a Love SongBella Union
24Central CeeCan’t Rush GreatnessColumbia
24Chihei HatakeyamaLucid DreamsFirst Terrace
24Chris EckmanThe Land We Knew The BestGlitterhouse
24Clemens Kuratle YdivideThe DefaultIntakt
24DITZNever ExhaleRepublic of Music
24FKA twigsEusexuaYoung
24Georg Zichy + Reinhold FreidlVleischOpal
24Ghais GuevaraGoyard Ibn SaidFat Possum
24Green CosmosAbendmusikenFrederiksberg
24HanozjeWebsEyes in the Wall
24Harakiri For The SkyScorched EarthAOP
24Hautzinger / Schick / JohanssonRotations+Trost
24horsegiirLVIP EPThree Seix Zero
24IHIHMiało przyjść, a nie przyszłoOpus Elefantum/Iskra Tapes
24IHIHMiało nie przyjść, a przyszłoOpus Elefantum/Iskra Tapes
24Kagami SmileLifelessOpal
24Kathryn MohrWaiting RoomThe Flenser
24Mars Williams and Vasco TrillaAwakening Nature From Her Dream
24MikromusicNie umiem tańczyćAgora
24MogwaiThe Bad FireRock Action
24PodłogaZimne ognie
24R. IwanskiTransformations IIAntenna Non Grata
24Rob BrownWalkaboutMahakala
24Rob MazurekNestor’s NestDiscrepant
24Rose City BandSol Y SombraThrill Jockey
24Sam AmidonSalt RiverRiver Lea
24Samba TouréBaarakelawGlitterbeat
24StudioWest CoastGhostly International
24Sven-Ake Johansson QuintetStumpsTrost
24TunngLove You All Over AgainFull Time Hobby
24TV DustTransitionMaple Death
24Vanessa AmaraCafe LifePosh Isolation
24WardrunaBirnaMusic For Nations
28Sun Kil MoonAll the ArtistsCaldo Verde
30HybrydsIn the Wake of the WitchZoharum
30Piotr Komosiński / Jerzy MazzollPory…Vintage Records
30Ural ThomasNat-UralMississippi
31[something’s happening]BuzzFlaming Pines
31Adam BałdychPortraitsACT
31Adam Golebiewski, Dave BrownDogs LightInstant Classic
31Billy MalmSpatzleStrategic Tape Reserve
31Bonnie „Prince” BillyThe Purple BirdDrag City
31Damon LocksList of DemandsInternational Anthem
31DeciusDecius Vol. II (Splendour & Obedience)The Leaf Label
31DynasonicEnd of High HopesDon’t Sit On My Vinyl7″
31Eddie ChaconLay LowStones Throw
31Eduardo PolonioEduardo Polonio: Obra electroacústica 1969-1981Buh
31Fadi TabbalI Recognize You from My SketchesRuptured
31FranceDestino ScifosiStandard In-Fi
31Gary KempThis DestinationWarner
31General MagicBoskoEditions Mego
31Geologist and D.S.A Shaw DealDrag City
31Joachim KuhnÉchapp​é​eIntakt
31Joana Gama & Luís FernandesStrataHoluzam
31Joe McPheeI’m Just Say’nSmalltown Supersound
31John SurmanFlashpoints and UndercurrentsCuneiformarch
31Joona Toivanen TrioGravityWe Jazz
31Jupiter & OkwessEkoyaZamora & Studio Gouv
31KowbojeKowboje IISyf Records
31L.S. DunesVioletFantasy
31Last TrainIIIPIAS
31Laura AgnusdeiFlowers Are Blooming In AntarcticaMaple Death
31Laura CannellA Compendium of Beasts – Volume 1Brawl
31Lawrence EnglishEven The Horizon Knows Its BoundsRoom40
31Lilly HiattForeverNew West
31Liza LoFamiliarGearbox
31MadvillainMadvillainy DemosStones Throw
31Marek PospieszalskiLive At Gusstaff Records vol.1Gusstaff/Don’t Sit On My Vinyl10″
31Nyron HigorNyron HigorFar Out
31Ocean MoonWays to the Deep MeadowMusic From Memory
31Olga Anna MarkowskaIskraMiasmah
31Peter RehbergLiminal StatesEditions Mego
31PrisonDownstateDrag City
31Rien VirguleBerceuses des deux mondesMurailles
31Shackleton & Wacław Zimpel & Siddhartha BelmannuIn The Cell of Dreams (Live Version)7K!
31Stein UrheimSpeilstillevariasjonerHubro
31Terence Etc.V O R T E X +Brainfeeder
31The AncientsThe AncientsEremite
31The HellacoptersOverdriversNuclear Blast
31The LemonheadsCar Button ClothFirearch
31The VeilsAsphodelV2
31The WeekndHurry Up TomorrowRepublic
31VAEccentric Soul: The Cobra LabelNumero Group
31Wojciech RusinHoney for the AntsAD93
31Wolf Eyes x Anthony BraxtonLive at Pioneer Works, 26 October 2023ESP Disk

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